Types of JIB Cranes Archives - HoistsandCrane https://www.hoistsandcrane.com/blog/tag/types-of-jib-cranes/ HoistsandCrane Sat, 25 May 2024 09:00:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://i0.wp.com/www.hoistsandcrane.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/favicon.png?fit=16%2C16&ssl=1 Types of JIB Cranes Archives - HoistsandCrane https://www.hoistsandcrane.com/blog/tag/types-of-jib-cranes/ 32 32 230969720 What are the jib crane types and their characteristics? https://www.hoistsandcrane.com/blog/what-are-the-jib-crane-types-and-their-characteristics/ Wed, 17 Apr 2019 12:12:18 +0000 http://hoistsandcrane.com/blog/?p=370 Jib cranes are a particular type of cranes that uses a pillar fixed on the floor or wall as a support to move. The pillar supports the rotation of the job consisting of a moveable hoist. The hoist is used to lift the weight, and that’s what the use of job cranes is. The jib […]

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Jib cranes are a particular type of cranes that uses a pillar fixed on the floor or wall as a support to move. The pillar supports the rotation of the job consisting of a moveable hoist. The hoist is used to lift the weight, and that’s what the use of job cranes is. The jib cranes manufacturers in India say that these cranes come in different types and have several benefits.

The hoist of the cranes have a lift wheel or load with a chain or rope surrounding them to support the load. The lifting medium is a chain in most of the cases, but sometimes they also use a fiber rope or wire cable with an attached hook. The cranes are usually rotated either electrically or with air pressure.

Today, cranes are a very essential part of many applications, such as construction industries. Any such industry where heavy loads are required to save time and money and to be moved without harming any being these cranes come into the picture. There are basically 4 types of JIB cranes, having different characteristics and operation.

How do Jib Cranes work?


The jib cranes have three main characteristics. All the jib cranes rotate and hold the load, and the third property is transverse motion which is available in most of the cranes. The jib moves the load from one place to another plus up and down. The cranes work on both hand-powered rotations along with traverse motion. The cranes can also be operated on an electric powered rotation and hand-powered lift. While the former uses push/pull process to accomplish the task, the later use chain.

What Are The Types Of Jib Cranes?

Mainly there are two types of cranes: floor mounted and wall mounted. The wall mounted cranes are further divided into two types that are fixed and traveling cranes. Here are the specifications of these three types of cranes:

Floor mounted jib cranes


These type of cranes are supported by a concrete mast mounted on a floor vertically. The cranes are usually operated manually and are used to share the weight of other main cranes. The cranes follow a 360° rotation. They can lift the load up to 5 tons.

Wall mounted jib crane (fixed)

These cranes are economical alternatives of free-standing Jib cranes and Mast type JIB crane with the capability of 200-degree rotation. With the ability of longer span, they can also take loads up to 5 tons.

Wall mounted jib crane (traveling)

The cranes are more or less similar to fixed wall mounted cranes. The difference between the two is that traveling cranes can cover the lengthwise area along the walls without causing a disturbance on the floor level.

Mast Type JIB Crane

There are 2 designs available in Mast type jib cranes full cantilever and drop cantilets. They can lift the load up to 5 tons. As per the requirement heights and spans are possible.

Metreel Met-track JIB crane

It can handle the floor mounted rotation from 200 to 360 degrees and 200 degrees for ceiling mounted rotation. It can span to 16’. It is the most efficient, easy to handle and maintain crane out of others. It has increased safety and decreased injury chances.

Are Looking to Add New Cranes & Hoista in Your Warehouse

What Are The Benefits Of The Jib Cranes?

Jib cranes hold the title of one of the most versatile pieces. The cranes are used to lift and move the weight. Here are some of the benefits of using jib cranes.

Make your life easier

Their versatility, high functionality, and smooth operation make them the life savior machines. The small size can fit any soda easily, and that saves a lot of hassles. The cranes are useful for many industries including manufacturing and military. The craned reduce the need for human resources and minimize confusion while working. From quickly executing the tasks to smooth handling, jib cranes are a popular choice. A variety of projects can be accomplished within a short span of time with better productivity and least hassles. The best thing about them is most of the jib cranes can move 360°, and those with less rotation are wall mounted but doesn’t cause any floor obstruction. They can hold tons of weight and makes the moving process so much easier.

These cranes are inexpensive to buy and maintain

Jib cranes are smaller in size, and because of their easy installation, they reduce the cost to a great extent. The cranes are long term investment, and that’s what makes them a cheaper option in the long run because you save a lot on human resources. The best thing is that you can get a crane that ultimately belongs to you and get it installed instantly on your workplace. Moreover, jib cranes are efficient, and they stay good and safe for a long time which means they require least maintenance making reducing your hassles to a great extent.

Perfect addition for your space

Jib cranes can be used in factories, shipping yards, docks, and warehouses. These come in handy in a variety of manufacturing industries, and if you are into such industry, you need one too. They easy to handle features and capability to do jobs smoothly and seamlessly make them an excellent addition for your space.

JIB cranes help save time and money. Wall mounted or free standing, each crane has its own working nature. Depending upon the need at the site suitable crane is offered at the site.

Are Looking to Add New Cranes & Hoista in Your Warehouse

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Short guide to Jib Cranes https://www.hoistsandcrane.com/blog/short-guide-to-jib-cranes/ Mon, 19 Jun 2017 10:55:19 +0000 http://hoistsandcrane.com/blog/?p=105 There is much different type of cranes available each having a different application. The decision on which one to use needs to be based on the current requirements in terms of weight to be lifted and the space available to operate the crane. Just about all the engineering project will utilize a crane. With the […]

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There is much different type of cranes available each having a different application. The decision on which one to use needs to be based on the current requirements in terms of weight to be lifted and the space available to operate the crane. Just about all the engineering project will utilize a crane. With the Jib Crane, a rotating boom is attached to the vertical mast and hoist that is operated electrically. However there is also the option to operate it pneumatically. The Jib crane consists of pillars that are usually fixed to a wall. Although this can also be attached to the floor.

Types of JIB Cranes

Free standing

  • The free standing crane has several sub types.
  • It is available as a Base Plate Mounted, Sleeve Insert Mounted and Insert Mount.
  • All three types use a similar mast pipe, head assembly and I-beam bottom.
  • The mounting arrangement is unique and different.
  • The main feature being the 360 degrees of continuous rotation.
  • With the base plate mounted one the Mast is simply bolted to the foundation and thus it can easily be shifted if required in the future.
  • Additionally the base plate mounted one has a hexagonal plate welded to the base of the mast pipe. It is also secured with bolts to reinforce the structure.

Wall Bracket

  • The Wall Bracket one is different and also has several applications.
  • This combines a great many features into one package, like simple design, heavy duty construction, easy to install and of low cost too.
  • The quality of this crane is very good and to rotation process is very simple.
  • It consists of a standard i-Beam for the boom,  a tie rod (right-hand-threaded at each end), a top and a bottom bracket, a beam bracket and trolley stops.


  • The JIB crane is useful in the bay area.
  • On the walls of a shop.
  • As a supplement to an overhead travelling crane or monorail

Selecting a JIB Crane

  • To start with it is important to access your own needs and requirements and then consider the following:
  • Type and extent of structural support
  • Power requirements for operation of hoist or crane.
  • The design and characteristics of the crane.
  • The weight and height under the boom
  • The cost should also be considered to some extent.
  • Besides which there are two types of JIB cranes the Wall mounted one and the Freestanding one.

Wall Mounted JIB Crane: The wall mounted does not require any floor space or any foundation either. It folds out of the way and allows for big clearance space above and below the boom. This offers about 200 degree rotation.

Freestanding JIB Crane: The Freestanding crane has a higher capacity and also a longer span. It also has a foundation though can be installed just about at any place. The area of rotation on the freestanding and the mast style JIB cranes is like 360 degrees.

KRISHNA JIB Cranes can meet your needs

Krishna Crane Engineers provides JIB cranes that are off good quality and reliable. Their articulating JIB cranes have booms with two sets of axes which enables them to reach places which are obstructed with several obstacles. The cranes are easy to fold out of the way in order to make space for the larger overhead ones.

Hence there are several benefits of selecting our cranes. You can maximize space utilization since the wall mounted one does not require any ground space. The capacity of our cranes is from 0.5 Ton to 5 ton.

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How to select the best jib crane manufacturer in India? https://www.hoistsandcrane.com/blog/how-to-select-the-best-jib-crane-manufacturer-in-india/ Sun, 23 Oct 2016 14:26:35 +0000 http://hoistsandcrane.com/blog/?p=258 Today, a large number of industries require various types of cranes such as jib cranes, EOT cranes and HOT cranes to accomplish their task effortlessly. Jib cranes are small and medium sized types of lifting tools which are highly versatile and suitable for many industries, factories, and other places. All above kinds of cranes are […]

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Today, a large number of industries require various types of cranes such as jib cranes, EOT cranes and HOT cranes to accomplish their task effortlessly. Jib cranes are small and medium sized types of lifting tools which are highly versatile and suitable for many industries, factories, and other places. All above kinds of cranes are available in different designs from different manufacturers. So, you should select the most suitable for your application among them. There are multiple manufacturers who provide great quality different types of the crane in Ahmedabad among them the Krishna crane is one of the best EOT crane manufacturer in AhmedabadIt is also well known for a HOT crane manufacturing in Ahmedabad.

You should consider some factors while choosing EOT, HOT and jib crane manufacturer in India.

JIB Crane

Below some factors mentioned, which will help you to choose the best crane manufacturer in India

  •  Reputation- While choosing an EOT, HOT or jib crane manufacturer, you should consider their reputation in the market. A well-known manufacturer provides a wide range of cranes with high quality. If you get cranes from reputed firms, you get assurance regarding the product. If you find any issue, they make replacement of the product.
  •  Experienced manufacturer– It is quite important to consider the experience of a particular manufacturer. An experienced manufacturer provides good quality cranes at an affordable cost. Since experienced manufacturers possess good specialized skills to manufacture various types of cranes with the latest and distinctive aspects. If you select an experienced manufacturer, you will make your investment in the right place
  •  Cost– Price is the prime significant element for any product. When you are purchasing cranes from any manufacturer, you should consider the cost which suits your budget. You should find the manufacturer who provides the good quality product at an affordable rate.
  •  Provide multiple ranges– You should select a manufacturer who provides a wide range of product with standard quality. The best manufacturer always provides products a wide range of products having different capacities of lifting power. Different types of EOT, HOT, and jib cranes are available in the market; hence, it is important that your selected manufacturer provides these all different cranes.
  •  Safety concern– A good manufacturer takes stress to consider safety measures while providing these cranes. As these cranes are operated either manually or electrically, so, it is important to provide safety security.

About the Krishna crane manufacturer

  • We are one of the most reputed manufacturing firms who manufacturing various kinds cranes in India.
  • Our highly skilled staff members manufacture various types of hoists and cranes efficiently.
  • We successfully meet the particular demands of industries, shipyards, and many other fields.

If you want to get more information regarding our product or services, you can visit our website at www.hoistsandcrane.com .

The post How to select the best jib crane manufacturer in India? appeared first on HoistsandCrane.
